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Wildflower walk


Monday 14 May at 2pm

Meeting at Little Birch Village Hall

A wildflower identification walk pooling our knowledge to see how many flowers and plants we know. Bring wildflower books and apps to help us.

A short walk of 2 – 3 miles.


Contact Angela Middleton for more information 01981 540377


Celebrate the arrival of Spring and join us for a fun evening of dancing with the Silver Branch Ceilidh Band and Caller.

At Little Birch Village Hall on Saturday 12th May 7.30pm – 10.30pm

Bar and snacks available

All welcome (no previous dancing experience necessary)

Tickets £5.00 Children under 12 – £3.00

Tickets available from Linda 01981-540532, Angela 01981-540377 or Julie 01981-541080

Quarto – An evening of song and laughter for all


Travelling folk band Quarto will be at Little Birch Village Hall on Friday 6th April at 7:30pm for an evening of quality singing and infectious comedy in a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Cheeky but not blue!
Tickets just £10 per person to include supper. To book contact Liz on 01981 540479, Jenny on 01981 541198 or Margaret on 01981 540374

Spring Parish Walk

Following on from the success of the first parish walk in February.
Join us on a Little Birch Parish Boundary Walk of 5.9 miles – a route following closely to the boundary footpaths of Little Birch linking in with the seasonal tradition of Beating the Bounds.
Meeting at Little Birch Village Hall at 1.45pm on Sunday 22nd April

For more information contact Angela Middleton, Voluntary Footpath Officer 01981 540377