Orchestra of the Swan Concert at the Steiner Academy on Friday 14th September at 7.30pm
In association with Arts Alive, the Steiner Academy is hosting an evening of music from the Orchestra of the Swan, now the Orchestra in Residence at The Courtyard, Hereford.
The Little Birch Village Hall Committee and Steiner Academy will provide minibus transport from the Hall at 6.30pm for any local residents who wish to attend, and will bring you back to the Hall at the end of the concert.
For further information about the event, and to buy tickets, contact the box office on 01981 540221 and select option 4 for Arts Alive enquiries. Alternatively email: artsalive@steineracademyherefore.eu
Look out for posters locally. Adult tickets are £10, Children £6.
If you would like to use the minibus transport, please contact Linda Maden on 01981 540532 or at lindamaden@btinternet.com to book your seat on the bus. The transport is free but you need to book your seat by Friday 7th September.