Month: January 2018

Parish Walk

Sunday 4 February, meeting at Little Birch village hall at 10 am.

Join in on a 4.96 mile walk, which will take approximately 2.5 hours. The walk will be on footpaths, tracks and lanes within and outside the Little Birch parish.

All welcome! 

Any queries contact:
Angela Middleton, voluntary footpath officer. 

01981 540377

Neighbourhood Development Plan Drop-In Session

As part of the consultation for the draft Little Birch & Aconbury Neighbourhood Development Plan we are holding a drop-in session at Little Birch Village Hall on Saturday 3rd February between 12:30pm and 2:30pm.
This is an important document for all residents of the 2 parishes, affecting planning rules for Little Birch & Aconbury until 2031.
This is your opportunity to meet some of the steering group members, discuss the the draft plan, ask questions and make comments.
There will be refreshments available and we looking forward to seeing you there.

More information regarding the Neighbourhood Development Plan including all documents relating to the draft plan can be found at

Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation

In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, notice is given that a formal pre-submission public consultation on the draft Little Birch and Aconbury Neighbourhood Development Plan will start at 9.00 am today, Monday, 8 January 2018 for a period of six weeks ending at 5.00 pm on Monday, 19 February 2018.

Copies of the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan have been delivered to households and
businesses in the Neighbourhood Area (the parishes of Little Birch and Aconbury).

The draft Neighbourhood Development Plan is also available:
• At
• On request from the Clerk to Little Birch Parish Council, by email to
[email protected] or by post to The Orchard, Ridgehill, Hereford HR2 8AG.
• For inspection at The Castle Inn, Pendant Pitch, Little Birch.
Supporting documents are available at

Comments can also be submitted online at

Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan

A 6 week consultation period for the Draft Little Birch & Aconbury Neighbourhood Development Plan starts on Monday at 9am.

Every household in Little Birch & Aconbury will receive a copy of the draft plan along with a comments form over the next few days. 

Copies of the plan, comments form and supporting documents are also available to download here 

You will be able to complete an online comments form during the consultation period which runs from 9.00 am on Monday 8 January 2018 for a period of six weeks ending at 5.00 pm on Monday 19 February 2018.

All comments must be received by 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 19 February 2018. These will be
considered by Little Birch Parish Council and Aconbury Parish Meeting, and will help shape the final
Neighbourhood Plan.